Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today we went to Phil's birthday party, which was a good opportunity to get a photo for my photo-a-day challenge! We had a great time hanging out with friends, eating great food and playing darts (well, just spectating for me, if I played someone would have ended up with a dart in their eye).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Photo-a-day #1

I've decided to challenge myself to take a photo every single day. Doesn't matter if it's portfolio material, as long as I do it every single day. Just something to get myself back into it, as I feel like I've been slacking on the personal photography front.

Here is one from last night's walk around San Mateo

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I haven't posted in ages, but I have been photographing! I am in the process of moving my blog to

Also, for those who didn't know, I got engaged!! I have photos from that day, but I'll have to post them another time. Today I'm just posting these adorable photos I took of my friends' Ben and Bridgette's baby girl, Evaleigh.